
Tarot Reading

Tarot reading is an ancient African divination practice used to help an individual find clarity and peace on a topic of concern within his or her life.  Tarot readings with Canary are done digitally via email, and are designed to help you receive clarity in a cloudy situation or to spark additional analysis.  

Clients generally express their experiences of the reading by saying things like: "that was spot on and exactly what I needed to hear", "that was just the confirmation I needed to move forward", or "I'm astounded by the accuracy".  

If you're encountering an issue in any area of your life, book a tarot reading to help shed light and provide real-life, practical guidance, to help you take back control. 

1-card reading: $16
5-card reading: $25
3-card reading +30 minute session: $61
5-card reading +30 minute session: $80